Thursday, 2 November 2017

Enjoy the best wood floor installation services in London

Important Aspects of Laying for Wooden Floors

Laying the floor for the building is easy when you know how. If one takes care of the small things, the entire process becomes simple and functional. You have many choices when it comes to the method of laying the floor planks. 

Allow for expansion

To ensure the best wood floor installation you must watch out for one or two important points. The first and most important thing about laying the wooden floor is to allow the planks the needed gap for expansion. If you do not do so, you will have a warped floor when summer comes along. 

You can check this is right by using simple guidelines. Mark the centre of the four walls and use a chalk line to snap the centre. Measure the distance to the wall from the centre and deduct the expansion gap specification given by the manufacturer. Mark this distance all around. Lay the planks inside the gap in a proper way to keep the space covered.

Check the quality of the subfloor

Another important thing you must consider for the best wood floor installation is whether the subfloor has the needed quality. To ensure that it has, make sure it is dry, clean, level, and has enough strength. Clean the subfloor, remove the debris and vacuum the dust off the surface. Check the level using a spirit level and check for squeaking boards. Screw these down with a couple of nails. Then, see that they are dry. Use of standard material for the subfloor ensures enough strength. 

You can use any of the methods for laying the wooden planks. One of the popular methods is the Click method. In this method, the adjacent planks remain locked in place through a recessed structure present in all the planks. These help secure the floor plank in place and add to the strength of the structure.